Starting on 22nd July, the Sun officially moved into the sign of the lion, meaning its Leo season! Leo season works with the Root, Sacral & Solar Plexus Chakras.
Leo is a fire sign, with the sun as its ruling planet. Thanks to Leo’s influence, we should all feel a boost of vitality and self-worth. This is a month when you’re able to shine bright. You’re radiating personality, charisma, feeling super-creative, and you want nothing more than to have fun. Leos have trouble following the rules and always want to play, so embrace your inner Leo and party.
To amplify these energies and to make the most of all this uplifting energy these are a few of the crystals I recommend working with this Leo season.

Like Leo, orangey-red carnelian is associated with the element of Fire, it is a stabilising stone with high energy, it stimulates creativity, enhances concentration, and brings out undiscovered talents and abilities. It gives one the self-confidence to achieve success.

No crystal is more Intune with that fiery Leo energy than Citrine. Citrine is a stone of self-confidence, individuality and courage. It has a very joyful and uplifting energy as it possesses healing properties of the sun. It is believed to assist one in manifesting prosperity, success and abundance into their life.

Tigers Eye
With the intense and high vibrations of this season, it is important to balance it with Tigers’ Eye as it carries the combination of Fire and Earth elements, making it a powerful stone of both grounding and energising vibrations. It is also great to provide protection from negative energies.

Tangerine Quartz
Is the stone to work with then focusing on sensuality and creativity blending them to enhance spiritual growth. Meditating with Tangerine Quartz can trigger bursts of creative thoughts and ideas. It inspires one to take immediate action to make those ideas a reality. Use Tangerine Quartz do elicit passion in all areas of life.

Working with crystals can help bring forward your most powerful, positive self. There are many ways to work with crystals, but the most important aspect of this is finding ways that interest and excite you. There is no limit to your creativity and creation.